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TLC Quotes
Ok. A little bit about me. My name is Krista, I just graduated from Middletown High School in CT. I love to listen to music. Some artists I like are TLC (of course)Janet Jackson, Eve, Destiny's Child, Aaliyah, Blaque, Lil'Kim, and a lot more but it would take a long time to name them all. Well thats it I guess for now.
I would just like to clear something up about my site. I just want people to know that I made this site before the loss of Left-Eye(R.I.P.). I didn't make it because she died, i made it because I was(and still am) a huge fan of hers. I'v liked TLC and especially Lisa since the begining.
***About Lisa's autopsy Pics*** Please do not e-mail me asking for Lisa's autopsy photos. I'v seen them myself and honestly I wish I never had. I think it is very disrespectful to Lisa and her family to have these pictures passed out online. So out of respect for her please do not ask for them.
Fast facts about Left-Eye
Born: May 27,1971 Hometown: Philadelphia,PA Sign: Gemini Fast Fact: Has her own record company(Left-Eye Productions) and publishing co. (U.N.I. Publishing Inc.). She has also signed her own group- Blaque *Hosted MTV's "The Cut"
A little bit about TLC
TLC has been together for about ten years now. They have won multiple awards including grammy's and many MTV awards. They currently have three albums- OOoooohh...On the TLC tip, Crazy Sexy Cool, and Fanmail. They are currently in the studio working on their fourth LP and Left-Eye is getting ready to release her solo album.
Luv to hear from ya!